Ear Monsters is Available on the App Store!
What they're saying...
"This is in the top three of the best audio games I've ever seen"
"So when I stumble upon a fresh and creative app, particularly an app that pushes humanity forward in cold dark universe, I take a closer look. One such app is Ear Monsters: A 3D Audio Game by Ear Games" --MacNewsWorld
" …an incredibly challenging and rewarding game to play. ...it provides something totally different resulting in challenging, addictive, bite-size fun. It’s definitely worth checking out, and I look forward to seeing how it develops in the future." -- TUAW.com
-- "It's one of the best games for the blind this year, because it has strategy, shooting at stuff and monsters. What more do you want?"--
"..the best [audio] game of 2013!"
Ear Monsters is Featured in September's Mix Magazine Online and Print Editions
EarGames announces the release of EarMonsters, its premier 3D sound game for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
In the Practice Arena, you can see as well as hear the enemies, to hone your skills